Laser Dentistry – Our award-winning Waterlase system is a safe and gentle alternative to traditional dental tools. Using laser energy and water spray, Waterlase can perform many procedures without a shot or a drill.

Digital cameras – We use small cameras, about the size of a pen, to help you to see what we see, anywhere in your mouth! You can see these photos on our big screen, we can give you a printed copy.

Digital 2D and 3D Radiographs (X-rays) – At Brannon Dental, we utilize digital radiographs to evaluate your dental needs at a fraction of the radiation of traditional film images (often radiation is less than a daytime walk outside). Also, when we need more information than a flat 2D radiograph can show us, we can utilize our 3D CBCT scanner to reconstruct a digital picture of your tooth or jaw In all three dimensions.

Digital Impression Scanner – In many cases, we can forgo traditional “goop” impressions for a digital scan of your tooth & mouth using a camera wand to take a series of pictures of your tooth or mouth.

3D printing – Using these 3D scans, we design & print custom 3D models to help meet your dental needs.